The Fifth Rule in Choosing Your Network Marketing Company

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5. There is a vast market that wants or better yet, needs the product.

The products are required by about 90% of the world population for optimal health.

Our founder has done some things. Big things.
Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, is a pioneer in bio-chemical research with more than 50 years of experience. Dr. Wallach is a Champion of Health Freedom and access to truthful healthy information. Through his extensive research, he has discovered the first case of naturally occurring Cystic Fibrosis in a non-human, discovered we all need 90 essential nutrients to achieve Optimal Health. His Foundational work is memorialized in the book Diseases of Exotic Animals which is recommended by the Smithsonian Institute for Zoos and Professional Aquariums to this day. He has also achieved multiple FDA Authorized Health Claims to the benefit of the General Public.